02.11.202030 facts about Wagtail UK’s award winning tobacco detection dog services:
- Wagtail dogs have detected over 120 million illicit cigarettes in the last 4 years alone
- Wagtail dogs have detected over 50 tonnes of hand rolling tobacco (hrt) in the last 4 years alone
- Wagtail dogs have detected over 4 million pounds in cash in the last 4 years alone
- Wagtail dogs detect genuine cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco (hrt), counterfeit tobacco and hrt, shisha tobacco and cash
- Wagtail have provided tobacco detection dogs for trading standards since 2010
- Wagtail have carried out over 2,050 days of tobacco dog searching since 2010
- Wagtail is the clear market leader in providing tobacco detection dog teams for UK government agencies
- Wagtail is the exclusive provider of tobacco detection dogs for an overseas customs agency and has been so since 2014, providing over 20 dogs, basic handler training and re-teams
- Wagtail tobacco dogs have appeared on a number of TV shows including Fake Britain, Crimewatch Roadshow, Britcam, Kyle Files, Extraordinary Dogs, Burning Desire, Surprise Surprise and numerous local news programmes
- Wagtail is a proud member of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) and has been so since 2012
- Wagtail is a proud sponsor and exhibitor at the annual CTSI symposium
- Wagtail provided detection dogs for the CTSI ‘Operation Henry 1’ detecting around 2.5 million cigarettes
- Wagtail provided detection dogs for the CTSI ‘Operation Henry 2’ detecting over 2.9 million cigarettes
- The CTSI Operation Henry programmes were funded by the Department of Health and were a national crackdown across England involving 144 days of tobacco searches involving over 80 Trading Standards Services across 9 different regions
Wagtail provided dogs for ‘Operation Lauderdale’ for the London Trading Standards Association (LOTSA) across boroughs of London detecting tens of thousands of illegal cigarettes
- Wagtail provided dogs for ‘Operation Fetch’ a national illegal tobacco crackdown across Wales, detecting tens of thousands of cigarettes
- Wagtail have given tobacco detection dog presentations to CTSI, the Anti-Counterfeiting Group, the Self Store Association, Borderpol, Global Security Asia
- Wagtail deliver a NASDU tobacco detection dog course accredited by Highfield
- Wagtail has unrivalled experience and vastly experienced tobacco detection dog instructors
- Wagtail offer an extensive insight for all students into current trends and sophisticated concealment methods used by criminals involved with the illegal tobacco industry
- Wagtail offer extensive realistic training areas incorporating scenarios we have encountered over the last 10 years
- Wagtail holds substantial amounts of bulk counterfeit and genuine tobacco for the purpose of dog training
- Wagtail have trained experienced tobacco dogs for course students#
- Wagtail have en-suite accommodation available for all students
- Wagtail offer monthly continuous training for all students completing a Wagtail tobacco detection dogs course
- Wagtail have a proven track record with law enforcement agencies across the UK
Wagtail has its own mobile Tobacco Control Education Unit (TCEU) which is available for Trading Standards, Public Health and other agencies to help promote Tobacco, Control, Education and Campaign messages, such as the dangers of illicit tobacco, under-age smoking, smoking in cars and more
- The TCEU has seating for ‘meet and greet’, TV monitor, power and waters supply, sink unit and adaptable display boards depending on the message required
- Wagtail will provide a tobacco detection dog team with the TCEU which helps campaign staff engage more easily with the public, the media and local dignitaries which will help promote their messages. A practical display with the tobacco dog can also be provided
- The TCEU can provide an excellent platform for delivering important messages, education and understanding, which in turn may result in vital intelligence that could be given to Trading Standards and other officers by my members of the public
If you need any further information on our award winning tobacco detection dog services, or any of our other services, please call 01745 561166 or email